Sunday 7 September 2008

Paranormal Dream

Dreams that differ in some significant way from the expected range of ‘normal dreams’ accepted in our culture. Often unusual, sometimes uncanny, these experiences happen to us when our physical bodies sleep, or have become ‘unconscious’, and do not seem easily or neatly explained by the conventional theories of ‘reality’ promoted by mainstream scientists.

Any experience that falls outside of the consensually accepted normal range of dreaming experience, and that takes place while the physical body has become either asleep or ‘unconscious’. For example:

Alien Abduction Experiences (some) - in which non-human beings abduct you and do strange things to you, pleasant or unpleasant. Often similar to OBEs.

Guidance Dreams - which provide information that later proves useful in making a decision.
Healing Dreams - in which you heal yourself, or others, or receive information that allows you to do so.

Hypnagogic Experiences - the spontaneous visions that occur in the twilight zone between sleeping and waking.

Lucid Dreams - in which you know that you dream and take advantage of it.

Mutual Dreams - in which you and another person apparently have the same, or very similar dreams about each other, at the same time. Consensual dreaming.

Out of Body Experiences - sometimes confused with lucid dreams, but with a number of different characteristics. Commonly you experience leaving your physical body and floating outside it. Sometimes these experiences coincide with a physical crisis, such as a severe illness or a NDE (Near Death Experience). Intensely 'real'.

Past Life or Parallel Self dreams - in which you find yourself in an earlier time, or in another place, as a different person who may look nothing at all like what you see when you look in a mirror. May contain historical details not consciously known by you.
Precognitive Dreams - in which you somehow experience a future event that later comes true as you have foreseen it happening.

Psychopompic Dreams - in which you meet with those who have died.

Vision Dreams - where you experience some 'outside' force showing you a vision (usually on a sort of screen) that seems deeply significant, even if you don't understand it.

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