Sunday 7 September 2008

Napoleons Book of Fate

Napoleon's Book of Fate : In 1813 Napoleon was defeated at Leipzip. However he left behind him a "Cabinet of Curiosities" among which a Prussian officer discovered the following Oraculum.
Originally this Oraculum had been discovered in one of the Royal tombs of Egypt during a French military expedition of 1801. The emperor ordered the manuscript to be translated by a famous German scholar and antiquarian. From that time onwards the Oraculum remained one of Napoleon's most treasures possessions. He consulted it on many occasions and it is said to have "formed a stimulus to his most speculative and most successful enterprises."

Nasca Lines

Nasca Lines : are a lines which were constructed in southwestern Peru by the Nasca culture around 1,500 - 2000 years ago. The lines depict a number of mammals and birds including: a monkey, hummingbird, and a man.

There are also many other geometric figures called 'geoglyphs' which include, spirals and zigzags. The lines were made by etching the surface of the dessert by the removal of surface pebbles to reveal the much lighter sand beneath. The figures measure up to 1.2 miles in length and can be found around 250 miles to the south of Lima.

Their actual meaning has caused speculation for centuries. Some experts have suggested that the figures served a ceremonial or religious function, others suggested the lines may be some form of astronomical calendar. However, recently, a team from UMass (The University of Massachusetts), after performing some scientific tests, have begun to theorize that some of the lines at least mark the location of underground water.


Neutrino : is a type of strange, weird, tiny, energetic particle, with neither mass nor electric charge, it is virtually an undetectable particle and one of the most illusive in the universe.
Scientists now believe that neutrinos fill our universe and rough calculations suggest that a hundred trillion neutrinos pass through our bodies every second. Some can even pass unchanged pass right through the Earth and through giant clouds of interstellar gas and dust, without leaving a trace.
This unique ability allows neutrinos to carry messages from the far reaches of the universe. Indeed some neutrinos are so fantastically energetic, 'they carry a bigger punch than even the most intense gamma ray.' For this reason it is thought that neutrinos may originate from places such as neutron stars, active galactic centers and exploding stars, or supernovas. Some scientists even believe that the lower-energy neutrinos may comprise a large proportion of the mass in the universe.


Naturopathy : is a way of treating illness that relies on a system of therapy involving natural remedies, such as sunlight supplemented with diet and massage.

Near Death Experience

NDE’s (Near Death Experiences) : this phenomenon is usually experienced when someone is really close to death. Often persons who have experienced a near death experience report a feeling of having left their physical body, moving through a darkness or tunnel, encountering the presences of deceased loved ones, and sometimes other entities which have been likened to both God and the Devil. Often an all embracing and describable light or menacing darkness is reported.

After regaining consciousness and the ability to communicate, most persons who have encountered a near death experience often say that the event was totally life changing. They often report that they have glimpsed the whole meaning of life or have been imparted with information far beyond ordinary human capabilities.


Necromancy [nikroʊmeɪnsi] (Greek νεκρομαντία, nekromantía) is a form of divination in which the practitioner seeks to summon "operative spirits" or "spirits of divination", for multiple reasons, from spiritual protection to wisdom. The word necromancy derives from the Greek νεκρός (nekrós), "dead", and μαντεία (manteía), "divination".

However, since the Renaissance, necromancy has come to be associated more broadly with black magic and demon-summoning in general, sometimes losing its earlier, more specialized meaning. By popular etymology, nekromantia became nigromancy "black arts", and Johannes Hartlieb (1456) lists demonology in general under the heading. Eliphas Levi, in his book Dogma et Ritual, states that necromancy is the evoking of aerial bodies.

Occams Razor

Occam's Razor : is a principal of always preferring the simplest explanation of events to any other. The principal of Occam's razor is attributed to William of Occam, although there were philosophers before him that had previously employed its use.
The principal states: "a person should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything, or that the person should not make more assumptions than the minimum needed. This principle is often called the principle of parsimony."The principal has played a major role in getting rid of fictitious or unnecessary elements from explanations since as far back as the Middle Ages.
Bertrand Russell and other logicians got rid of traditional metaphysical concepts by employing the use of Occam's Razor.There is however some skepticism as to the extent to which the principal can be applied; especially regarding whether or not a person can determine without any doubt that the assumptions or given entities are not needed in an explanation.


Occult : this is something that either deals with or relates to supernatural influences or phenomena. It is can be something that is only available to those persons that have been initiated and it is usually something that is hidden away or concealed.
Often it is something that lies beyond the realm of human comprehension and is inscrutable and mysterious. When thinking of the occult it tends to conjure up images of priests hidden away practicing some form of black art or black magic. The occult is definitely synonymous with the supernatural, mysterious and mystical.


Occultism : is an esoteric system of practice and belief which assumes that there is the existence of supernatural, paranormal and mysterious forces and entities. There is sometimes a link with these practices and the devil.

Odour of Sanctity

Odour of Sanctity : this is an, as yet, unexplained, beautiful, unearthly scent that is said to exude from a number of holy persons and certain European Saints.

Two ladies said to have exhibited this phenomena include: The Blessed Maria degli Angeli, an 18th century Italian nun, who could be traced throughout her convent by her beautiful smell. Non of the other sisters in the convent exuded this smell and Maria was so embarrassed by the whole thing, that she would place foul smelling objects nearby, but to no avail.

The second lady, was Sister Giovanna Maria della Croce. At Rovereto in Italy in 1625 she took her symbolic wedding vows to Christ by putting on a wedding ring, however from that moment onwards a beautiful scent exuded from her finger. Allegedly, even items that she touched were left with a lingering smell for several days. Eventually through time her whole body began to exude this beautiful, unearthly, fragrance and her clothes would retain the smell long after she had finished wearing them.


An omen (also called portent or presage) is a phenomenon that is believed to foretell the future, often signifying the advent of change.
Interpretation of omens and prophetic signs is a form of divination.
Omens may be considered "good" or "bad", but the term is more often used in a foreboding sense, as with the word "ominous".

Omens may be considered either good or bad depending on their interpretation. The same sign may be interpreted differently by different people or different cultures.
For example, a superstition in the United States and other countries across europe indicates that a black cat is an omen of bad luck.

Comets also have been considered to be both good and bad omens. The best-known example is probably Halley's Comet, which was a "bad omen" for King Harold II of England but a "good omen" for William the Conqueror.

One Ahead Principal

In mentalism, a procedure for sequentially revealing information where the revealing of one item gives the mentalist the next answer.

Principle often used in mentalism where the magician uses previously obtained information to stay one step ahead of the audience and supposedly make accurate predictions/guesses.

Out of Body Experience (OOBE)

OOBE (Out of Body Experience) : is probably one of the most reported and documented forms of astral projection. It is thought to be when a person's consciousness leaves the physical body. Out of body experiences are often associated with accidents or anesthesia. An example of this is the case where a patient on an operating table will report being able to see and hear the entire operation including the surgeons, from a vantage point above the table. Here the consciousness is said to have left the physical body, but will remain close.

Another example of this kind of projection, it is said, can occur when an accident abruptly halts the physical body, with the non-physical body continuing on in the direction it was going. This type of sudden halt projection is also believed to be invoked by falling off a ladder, falling in the street, fainting, etc. In these cases the projection of the non-physical body is voluntary and not a conscious choice, and usually the physical body is believed to be unconscious for the duration of the experience

Ouija Board

Ouija Board n : is an instrument which allegedly can be used to contact or channel spirits of the deceased. A modern day ouija board is usually a wooden or cardboard device, inscribed with the alphabet, the words 'yes', 'no', 'hello', 'goodbye' and the numbers 0 to 9.

There is usually a slideable piece of apparatus on rotating castors or wheels with a pointer. The operators of the board lightly place their fingers on the slideable device and wait for it to move. When the pointer comes into contact with, or moves over one of the letters, numbers or words printed on the board, a record of this is kept and later used to see if an intelligible message can be obtained.


Pagan n : a person who is not a Jew, Muslim or Christian. it is someone who doesn't conform to mainstream religions but prefers to follow a more polytheistic religion. Often the word is used in a derogative manner to describe someone who has no religion, a non-Christian, a hedonist, heathen or a Neo-Pagan.
The term is also used derogatively to describe idolaters and persons who worship false gods.However, the term has assumed a new meaning among the practitioners of witchcraft and magic. This is especially true of the New Pagans who dedicate themselves to the revival of the Old Religion (an expression used by contemporary Wiccan devotees to describe witchcraft); and to re-establish the worship of nature and the lunar godess.


Palmistry : is the art of assessing a person's character and foretelling their future by reading the various features and lines on the palm of their hand.

Judging by the number of hands painted in prehistoric caves it would seem that palmistry held a interest for humans since the stone age. Archaeological discoveries have discovered hands made of stone, wood and ivory by ancient civilizations.

The emperor of china used his thumbprint when sealing documents in 3000 bc. Information on the laws and practise of hand reading have been found in vedic scripts, the bible and early semitic writings. Aristotle (384-322 bc) discovered a treatise on palmistry on an alter to the god hermes.

The greek physicians Hippocrates and Galen (ad 130-200) were both knowledgeable about the use of palmistry as a clinical aid. Julius Caesar (102-44bc) judged his men by palmistry. Notable people such as Paracelsus (1493-1541) and Fludd (1574-1637) brought respectibility to palmistry through their writings. Later Dr Carl Carus, physician to the king of saxony in the 19th century matched palms to personality.

Advances in genetics, psychology and forensics have propeled palmistry into the modern age. In 1901 scotland yard adopted the technique of fingerprinting in criminal investigation and identification.


Pantheism : can mean two things; it can be a doctrine that identifies God with the whole universe and all of its associated phenomena, in other words there is no God as such, but the combined force and laws which are manifested in the existing universe constitute God.

Another term for this is cosmotheism. It can also be the belief and worship of all gods.

Parallel Universe

There is some speculation that our universe may have been created by superior beings in another universe. The reason that this theory arises, is because there is a belief among cosmologists that the universe began initially with a tiny speck of matter - weighing in at possibly only a thousandth of a gram.
This particle then underwent a strange process known as inflation. As the mechanics of the process are already known, this has led to the notion that perhaps the whole process could indeed be recreated in a laboratory. In other words the manufacture of a whole new universe done by scientists in their labs. Currently this is beyond our present technical capabilities, because the pressures involved to squeeze the matter to an extraordinarily high density are too great.


Paranormal is an umbrella term used to describe unusual phenomena or experiences that lack an obvious scientific explanation. In parapsychology, it is used to describe the potentially psychic phenomena of telepathy, extra-sensory perception, psychokinesis, ghosts, and hauntings.
The term is also applied to UFOs, some creatures that fall under the scope of cryptozoology, purported phenomena surrounding the Bermuda Triangle, and other non-psychical subjects. Stories relating to paranormal phenomena are widespread in popular culture and folklore, but some organisations such as the United States National Science Foundation have stated that mainstream science does not support paranormal beliefs

Paranormal Dream

Dreams that differ in some significant way from the expected range of ‘normal dreams’ accepted in our culture. Often unusual, sometimes uncanny, these experiences happen to us when our physical bodies sleep, or have become ‘unconscious’, and do not seem easily or neatly explained by the conventional theories of ‘reality’ promoted by mainstream scientists.

Any experience that falls outside of the consensually accepted normal range of dreaming experience, and that takes place while the physical body has become either asleep or ‘unconscious’. For example:

Alien Abduction Experiences (some) - in which non-human beings abduct you and do strange things to you, pleasant or unpleasant. Often similar to OBEs.

Guidance Dreams - which provide information that later proves useful in making a decision.
Healing Dreams - in which you heal yourself, or others, or receive information that allows you to do so.

Hypnagogic Experiences - the spontaneous visions that occur in the twilight zone between sleeping and waking.

Lucid Dreams - in which you know that you dream and take advantage of it.

Mutual Dreams - in which you and another person apparently have the same, or very similar dreams about each other, at the same time. Consensual dreaming.

Out of Body Experiences - sometimes confused with lucid dreams, but with a number of different characteristics. Commonly you experience leaving your physical body and floating outside it. Sometimes these experiences coincide with a physical crisis, such as a severe illness or a NDE (Near Death Experience). Intensely 'real'.

Past Life or Parallel Self dreams - in which you find yourself in an earlier time, or in another place, as a different person who may look nothing at all like what you see when you look in a mirror. May contain historical details not consciously known by you.
Precognitive Dreams - in which you somehow experience a future event that later comes true as you have foreseen it happening.

Psychopompic Dreams - in which you meet with those who have died.

Vision Dreams - where you experience some 'outside' force showing you a vision (usually on a sort of screen) that seems deeply significant, even if you don't understand it.


Pooka : according to Irish tradition and folklore this creature is a mythical supernatural creature which assumes the guise of a malevolent horse.

The origins of the pooka are to some extent speculative. The name may come from the Scandinavian pook or puke, meaning 'nature spirit'.

Such beings were very capricious and had to be continually placated or they would create havoc in the countryside, destroying crops and causing illness among livestock. Alternatively, the horse cults prevalent throughout the early Celtic world may have provided the underlying motif for the nightmare steed.

Prayer Power

Prayer power, many believe in the power of prayer, to bring about changes, to bring comfort or to relieve conditons.

In the case of disasters, whether they be natural or man made, mass prayer is often conducted to bring an answer or relieve to those that have suffer. Many do believe this works and will pray for guidence foer either themselves or to help others.


Psychometry : is the practice of gaining paranormal insights or knowledge from a physical object which is used as a focus.

Many believe that objects hold a history of previous owners, psychometry is the art of reading this object. Mediums are often asked to hold such objects to give messeges or readings, or to see what information can be given about such items or their previous or even present owners.